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来源:网络 发布时间 2024-06-20 14:27




曹树林,笔名曹霖,1959 年 11 月生。现居住江苏省徐州市。中华人民共和国职业资格证书(职业书法家)。中国书协会员。中南海国礼艺术中心“国礼艺术家”。中央国家机关书法家协会会员。香港中国书法家协会理事。中国国际书法家协会会员(江苏省名誉主席)。一带一路辉煌中国荣誉证书(国家画院展),北京林都书画研究院聘话书(名誉主席),香港回归二十周年中国书画创作大赛获奖证书(特邀》,国学领袖证书。华夏书画收藏网高级顾问兼首席签约艺术家证书(聘长期),十九大文代表荣誉证书,中国馆藏级艺术家证书。中国艺术家润格网(副主席),终身清华大学书组艺术院。特聘名誉教授(聘书)。中国军动书画艺术研究院特聘为本院(名誉主席),中国最具收藏价值艺术家,中国当代艺术名家。中国十大文化脊梁,中国十大最具收藏艺术家,中国艺术最具收者价值奖,国家级十大艺术大师,书画作品评鉴证书,单国强吕长生专家评鉴。兹聘请曹树林同志担任中国艺术家润格网副主席一职(终身工作证》中国艺术家润格网鉴定评估证书,市场价格人民币 60000 元 88000 元/平方尺,国家级十大艺术大师曹树林、雅昌艺术国际交易网会员艺术家曹树林中国名家艺术馆、曹树林--VR 艺术馆。中国艺术最具收藏价佰奖曹树林。最具收藏价值艺术家。中国十大最具收藏价值艺术家曹树林、收藏家最具喜爱的十大艺术家曹树林。《2022年段全球各界顶级人物》中国艺术名家曹树林。《中国艺术·纵横世界》曹树林向党的二十大献礼。中国艺术特别突出贡献奖曹树林。中国文艺学术成就奖曹树林。中国十大突出贡艺术家曹树林,中国艺术杰出贡献人物曹树林,共和国文艺最高成就奖曹树林。共和国文化艺术突出贡献人物曹树林,共和国十大文化功勋人物曹树林、共和国江山永固爱国艺术家曹树林。中国文化领域最高成就奖曹树林。国家专业文化艺术人才曹树林。国家文化艺术特殊贡献人物曹树林。中国顶级文艺大师曹树林。世界教科文贡献奖曹树林,世界艺术大师曹树林。全球十大艺术影响力人物曹树林。国家文化脊梁网曹树林。中国十大文化脊梁曹树林。世界文化艺术最高荣耀奖曹树林。世界最具影响力文化艺术大师曹树林。世界艺术荣耀勋章曹树林。奋斗百年路建功新时代--特别推荐艺术家曹树林,顶流艺术家曹树林.2023 年度最具收藏价值艺术家--曹树林 2023 年 CCTV 中央电视台特邀艺术顾 问 国 际 润 格 官 方 认 证 评 估 证 书 , 市 场 价 格 人 民币:650000-700000 元每平尺,美元:100000-120000 每平方英尺,欧元:100000-120000 每平方英尺。曹树林--中国投资界鼎力推荐艺术名家"最具投资价值艺术名家" 荣誉称号. 收藏推荐艺术名家,收藏投资风向标,曹树林证书。中国国宾礼专用艺术家曹树林证书五本,公函证书。国宾礼特供证书、鉴定证书、收藏证书、评估证书。中国珍藏级艺术家-曹树林证书。中国艺坛 2023 年度优秀艺术家人气指数排行榜曹树林证书。曹树林在 2023 年国际比赛中荣获毕加索优秀导师大奖。一带一路文化形象大使系列专题报道曹树林证书。"联合国气候大会形象大使"荣誉称号:曹树林证书。



2.中央电视台 CCTV《艺术传承》栏目组聘书,特聘曹树林为客座教授。任聘期:长期有效。
4.特邀入编“中国艺术品牌成交榜画集”,并荣获 2023年最具收藏价值艺术家。荣誉证书。

9.曹树林入编 2023 年度重大美术选题出版画集《世界美术人物志》中国传播网、新华资讯网、新鲜的头条资讯。
10.您的作品经中央电视台 CCTV《艺术名家》栏目组综合审核后,认为您为弘扬中国传统文化,传承艺术文化精髓做出突出贡献。特聘请您担任中央电视台 CCTV《艺术名家》栏目组特聘艺术顾问职务。中央电视台《艺术名家》栏目;CCTV艺术名家工作证。
14.曹树林阁下:人才强国,无形之本,君为贤才,世人楷模:君之贡献, 册为记之。鉴于您的作品气象正大,代表中华文艺的最高成就,更是新时代的强国人才,为我国经济文化发展作出了突出的贡献。经编委会研究,将您的作品收录于《强国人才——新时代国礼艺术名家档案精选》特邀请您担任本书艺术顾问荣誉职务。特颁此证。

16.中国近现代名家典藏画集·综合卷。“大红袍”综合卷采用正 8 开型(高 380 mm,宽 268 mn);内页 157 克高档进口哑粉纸全彩印刷。硬封套、硬封面精装装订,织物包封、封套包封烫金。出版社将面向全国新华书店发行 1 万册。凡在 2023 年出版的《中国近现代名家典藏画集·综合卷》由中国人美出版社年终统一在人民日报新华网中华网等媒体公示
18.2023 国际艺术联创联展在法国卢浮宫卡鲁赛。特别大奖证书。
19.2023 年 9 月被评为国宝级大师;并录入国宝级艺术家档案库。
20.2023 年 9 月被评选为国务外交礼品师;并颁发防伪印章及证书,录入国务外交礼品网。
21. 曹树林作品入编中国书法史。
22. 2023 年 12 月入编大型典藏——《中国近现代名家典藏画集·大红袍综合卷》。



Cao Shulin, pen name Cao Lin, was born in November 1959. I currently reside in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Professional Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China (Professional Calligrapher). Member of the China Book Association. "National Ritual Artist" at Zhongnanhai National Ritual Art Center. Member of the Calligraphers Association of Central State Organs. Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association. Member of the China International Calligraphers Association (Honorary Chairman of Jiangsu Province). The Belt and Road Glorious China Honor Certificate (National Painting Academy Exhibition), Beijing Lindu Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute Appointment Letter (Honorary Chairman), Hong Kong 20th Anniversary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Creation Competition Award

Certificate (Special Invitation), Chinese Culture Leader Certificate. Huaxia Calligraphy and Painting Collection Network Senior Consultant and Chief Contracted Artist Certificate (long-term employment), 19th National Culture Representative Honor Certificate, and Chinese Museum level Artist Certificate. Chinese Artist Runge Network (Vice Chairman), Lifetime Tsinghua University Book Group Art Academy. Special Honorary Professor (Appointment Letter). The Chinese Military Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art has been specially appointed as the honorary chairman of the institute. He is the most valuable collector of Chinese art and a renowned contemporary Chinese artist.

Top 10 Cultural Backbones of China, Top 10 Most Collected Artists of China, Most Valuable Collector of Chinese Art Award, Top 10 National Art Masters, Certificate of Calligraphy and Painting Works Evaluation, Expert Evaluation by Shan Guoqiang and Lv Changsheng. We hereby invite Comrade Cao Shulin to serve as the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Artist (Lifetime Work Certificate) and the Appraisal and Evaluation Certificate of the Chinese Artist, with a market price of RMB 60000/88000/square foot. He is one of the top ten national art masters Cao Shulin, a member of the Yachang Art International Trading Network artist Cao Shulin, and a member of the China Famous Artist Art Museum and Cao Shulin VR Art Museum. Cao Shulin, the most valuable collector of Chinese art, is awarded the hundred yuan prize.

Cao Shulin, the most valuable collector of Chinese art, is one of the top ten most valuable collectible artists in China, and the top ten favorite artists of collectors Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, the top ten global figures in 2022, is a Chinese art master Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, the top ten Chinese art masters in all walks of life Gift. Cao Shulin, Special Outstanding Contribution Award for Chinese Art. Cao Shulin, Achievement Award for Chinese Literature and Art. Cao Shulin, one of the top ten outstanding tribute artists in China, an outstanding contributor to Chinese art, and the highest achievement award in the Republic's literature and art. Cao Shulin, a prominent contributor to the cultural and artistic achievements of the Republic,

Cao Shulin, one of the top ten cultural figures of the Republic, and Cao Shulin, a patriotic artist who has been steadfast in the country. The highest achievement award in the field of Chinese culture, Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, a national professional cultural and artistic talent. Cao Shulin, a special contributor to national culture and art. China's top literary and artistic master Cao Shulin. World UNESCO Contribution Award Cao Shulin, World Art Master Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, one of the top ten globally influential figures in art. National cultural backbone network Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, one of China's top ten cultural backbones. The highest honor award in world culture and art, Cao Shulin. Cao Shulin, the world's most influential cultural and artistic master. World Art Honor Medal Cao Shulin. Striving for a Century and Achieving Merit in a New Era - Specially Recommended Artist Cao Shulin, Top notch Artist Cao Shulin. The Most

Valuable Artist for Collection in 2023- Cao Shulin. CCTV invited art consultant international Runge official certification and evaluation certificate. Market price: RMB 650000-700000 per square foot, USD 100000-120000 per square foot, EUR 100000-120000 per square foot. Cao Shulin - The Chinese investment community strongly recommends the honorary title of "Most Valuable Artist" for art masters Collect recommended art masters, collect investment indicators, and obtain Cao Shulin's certificate. Five certificates of Cao Shulin, a specialized artist for Chinese state guests, and official letter certificates. State Guest Gift Special Supply Certificate, Appraisal Certificate, Collection Certificate, and Evaluation Certificate. Chinese Treasure level Artist - Cao Shulin Certificate. Cao Shulin Certificate in the 2023 Popularity Index Ranking of Excellent Artists in the Chinese Art Industry. Cao Shulin won the Picasso Outstanding Mentor Award in the 2023 International Competition. The certificate of Cao Shulin in the series of special reports on the cultural image ambassador of the the Belt and Road. Honorary title of Ambassador of the United Nations Climate Conference: Cao Shulin Certificate.



Social influence
1. China Art Master Archives Center, Cao Shulin Honorary Certificate.
2. Appointment letter from CCTV's "Art Inheritance" program team, inviting Cao Shulin as a guest professor. Appointment period: Long term validity.
3. The Editorial Board of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Meritorious Figures, Cao Shulin Honorary Certificate, and also awarded Cao Shulin as a Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Meritorious Artist.
4. Invited to be included in the "Chinese Art Brand Transaction List Album" and awarded the title of Most Valuable Artist in 2023. Honorary certificate.
5. The Central Academy of Fine Arts has appointed Cao Shulin as the Vice Dean. Letter of Appointment: The term of office is five years.
6. Official authoritative website of national first-class artists, National Artists and Runge Evaluation Committee: Appointment letter: Comrade Cao Shulin specially invites you to serve as the art consultant of National Artists and Runge Evaluation Committee.
7. Artist member of Yachang Art Network. Cao Shulin Membership Certificate.

7. Artist member of Yachang Art Network. Cao Shulin Membership Certificate.
8. The Global Immersive Metaverse Art Exhibition "Art Creation Without Boundaries, Fantasy Seeks Truth" hosted by the New Silk Road Art Working Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Cultural and Art Development. Information filing. This certificate is hereby issued: Cao Shulin Honorary Certificate.
9. Cao Shulin was included in the 2023 major art topic publication album "World Art Figures" by China Communication Network, Xinhua Information Network, and Fresh Headline News.
10. After comprehensive review by the CCTV "Artists" program team of China Central Television, your work is deemed to have made outstanding contributions to promoting traditional Chinese culture and inheriting the essence of art and culture. We would like to invite you to serve as a special art consultant for the CCTV program "Artists". CCTV's program "Artists"; CCTV Art Master Work Permit.

11. Art consultant and honorary title of Cao Shulin in the Dictionary of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters throughout the Ages.
12. Appoint Cao Shulin as the Chairman of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper Council, with a certificate.
13. Letter of Appointment for Ambassador: Mr. Cao Shulin, in view of your contributions and influence in the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture, hereby invites you to be honored as the Ambassador of National Friendly Culture to Foreign Countries. State Guest Ceremony (Special Offer) Foreign Affairs Management Center.
14. Your Excellency Cao Shulin: A talented country is the invisible foundation. You are a wise person, and the role model of the world: Your contributions are recorded in the book. Given the grandeur of your work, which represents the highest achievement of Chinese literature and art, and is also a strong talent in the new era, it has made outstanding contributions to the economic and cultural development of our country. After research by the Editorial Committee, your work has been included in the Selected Archives of National Ritual Art Masters in the New Era, and we hereby invite you to serve as the honorary art consultant for this book. This certificate is hereby issued.

16. Comprehensive Volume of Collected Paintings by Famous Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters. The "Da Hong Pao" comprehensive roll adopts a straight 8-fold shape (height of 380mm, width of 268mn); 157g high-end imported matte paper full-color printing on the inner page. Hard cover and hardcover binding, fabric wrapping and hot stamping. The publishing house will distribute 10000 copies to Xinhua Bookstores nationwide. The Comprehensive Volume of the Collection of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters Paintings, published in 2023, will be publicly announced by China Renmei Publishing House at the end of the year on media such as People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and Zhonghua Net
17. Chaozhou Tianxia: Medals; Cao Shulin - a representative artist in the national art scene. China Information Network and China News Network.
The 2023 International Art Co Creation Exhibition will be held in Carousel, Louvre, France. Special Award Certificate.

In September 2023, he was rated as a national treasure level master; And enter it into the national treasure level artist archive.
In September 2023, selected as a national diplomatic gift teacher; And issue anti-counterfeiting seals and certificates, and record them on the State Diplomatic Gift Network.
21. Cao Shulin's works are included in the history of Chinese calligraphy.
22. In December 2023, it was included in the large-scale collection - "Collection of Paintings by Famous Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters - Comprehensive Volume of Dahongpao".

亚洲书画界十大新闻人物—— 曹树林作品欣赏






















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