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来源:网络 发布时间 2024-06-07 09:53



Alexandria Museum of Fine Arts, Egypt


Ying Gu Tang

承办单位:齐鲁美术馆 应谷堂 燕山美术馆


万恒艺术馆 北京大钱瓷艺术空间






Alexandria Museum of Fine Arts, Egypt

展览时间:2023年7月 22日

EgyptEgypt Exhibition:July,2023





齐辛民 / Qi Xinmin

作者介绍 Author Introduction

齐辛民,1935年生于山东淄博、1963 年毕业于山东艺专


Qi Xinmin, born in Zibo, Shandong in 1935, graduated from Shandong Art College (now Shandong Academy of Art) in 1963, and now resides in Beijing. He is a member of the China Artists Association, a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary Dean of the U.S. Academy of Art and Design, Honorary Dean of the Zibo Painting Academy, Honorary Chairman of the Artists Association, and a national first-class artist.





王培东/ Wang Peidong

作者介绍 Author Introduction

王培东,当代著名大写意花鸟画画家,1941 年生,1961年考入北京中国画院研究生班,从师于著名画家王雪涛先生。毕业后一直在北京画院从事专业创作。历任北京中国花鸟画研究会副会长、齐白石艺术研究会副会长、北京画院艺术委员会委员、创作室主任等职。现为北京画院专业画家,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师、当代中国书画网艺术顾问。

Wang Peidong is a renowned contemporary painterspecializing in freehand-style flower-and-bird paintingsHe was born in 1941 and enrolled in the Graduate Classof Beijing Chinese Painting Academy in 1961, where hestudied under the guidance of the esteemed painter Mr.Wang Xuetao. After graduating,he has been activelyengaged in professional creative work at the BeijingAcademy of Chinese Painting. He has held variouspositions, including Vice President of the Beiiing ChineseFlower-and-Bird Painting Research Association,VicePresident of the Qi Baishi Art Research Association,Member of the Art Committee of the Beijing Academyof Painting, and Director of the Studio. He is currently professional artist at the Beiiing Academy of Painting, amember of the China Artists Association, a National First-Class Artist, and an Art Consultant for the ContemporaryChina Calligraphy and Painting Network.





汤立 / Tang Li

作者介绍 Author Introduction

汤立,1947 年出生于湖北武汉,国家一级美术师,中国现代文化研究中心研究员,中国艺术研究院研究生院导师、中国艺术研究院美术创作院研究员,北京大学汤立中国画工作室导师,中国传媒大学艺术创作院


Tang Li was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in 1947. He is a national-level artist, a researcher at the Chinese Modern Culture Research Center, a supervisor at the Graduate School of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, a researcher at the Fine Arts Creation Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, and a mentor at the Tang Li Chinese Painting Studio at Peking University. He is also a mentor at the Tang Li Flower-and-Bird Painting Studio at the School of Art Creation, Communication University of China, and a committee member of the Art Committee at the Qigong Academy of Beijing Normal University. Tang Li holds the honorary position of President at the People's Academy of Painting.





范扬 / Fan Yang作者介绍 Author Introduction

范扬,1955 年 1 月生于香港,祖籍江苏南通市。曾任南京师范大学美术学院院长、教授、博士生导师。现为中国国家画院国画院副院长,兼任南京书画院院长,中国艺术研究院中国画院研究员,文化部优秀专家,享受国务院特殊津贴

Fan Yang was born in January 1955 in Hong Kong and is originallyfrom Nantong, Jiangsu Province. He has served as the Dean, Professor,and doctoral supervisor at the School of Fine Arts, Nanjing NormalUniversity. Currently, he is the Vice President of the National Academof Chinese Painting at the China National Academy of Painting. He alscholds the position of President of the Naniing Calligraphy and PaintingAcademy and is a Research Fellow at the Chinese Painting Academy otthe Chinese National Academy of Arts. Fan Yang is recognized as aroutstanding expert by the Ministry of Culture and is granted a speciaallowance by the State Council.





李孝萱/ Li Xiaoxuan

作者介绍 Author Introduction

李孝萱,1959年 4月17 日生于天津市汉沽区,1982 年毕业于天津美术学院中国画系,分配到天津塘沽区图书馆工作,1985 年调入天津美术学院中国画系任教。现任天津美术学院中国画学院院长,硕士、博士研究生导师,中国国家画院专职研究员,中国美术协会会员。

Li Xiaoxuan was born on April 17, 1959, in Hangu DistrictTianjin City. In 1982, she graduated from the ChinesePainting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Artsand was assigned to work at the Tanggu District Libraryin Tianjin. In 1985, she was transferred to the ChinesePainting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts as ?faculty member. She currently serves as the Dean of theChinese Painting School at Tianjin Academy of Fine ArtsShe is a supervisor for master's and doctoral studentsa full-time researcher at the China National Academy oPainting, and a member of the Chinese Artists Association





贾广健 / Jia Guangjian

作者介绍 Author Introduction

贾广健,男,汉族,别名大涵,1964年 1 月生,河北永清人,1995年 6月加入中国共产党,1984年 9 月参加工作全日制研究生学历,文学硕士,教授,中国美术家协会会员中国国家画院教授,国家一级画家。现任天津美术学院院长政协天津市委员会科技教育委员会副主任。

Jia Guangiian, male, Han Chinese, also known as Dahang.was born in January 1964 in Yongqing, Hebei ProvinceHe joined the Communist Party of China in June 1995 andstarted working in September 1984. He holds a full-timepostgraduate degree, a Master of Arts, and is a professorHe is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, aprofessor at the China National Academy of Painting,and a National First-class Artist.He currently serves asthe President of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and theVice Director of the Science.Technology, and EducatiorCommittee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of theChinese People's Political Consultative Conference





伯揆/Bo Kui

作者介绍 Author Introduction

伯揆,斋号有鸣堂。中国人民大学画院教授,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,荣宝斋画院教授,伯揆美术馆馆长。2019年11 月在北京故宫举办个人大型面展,也是第五位在故宫办展的艺术家。

Bo Kui, also known by his sobriquet Youmingtang. He is a professor at the Art Academy of Renmin University of China, a national first-class artist, a member of the China Artists Association, a professor at the Rongbaozhai Art Academy, and the director of the Bo Kui Art Museum.

In November 2019, he held a large-scale personal art exhibition in the Forbidden City in Beijing, becoming the fifth artist to hold an exhibition there.





胡东东 / Hu Dongdong

作者介绍 Author Introduction


Hu Dongdong, originally named Hu Dan, currently resides in Beijing and works as a professional painter.

He graduated from the Art Department of Shenyang Aerospace University with a bachelor's degree. He has also studied at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Chinese Academy of Art, National Academy of Painting, and Rong Bao Zhai Academy. Currently, he is a contracted and recommended young artist at Rong Bao Zhai Academy and National Academy of Painting in Beijing. He is a prospective member of the China-US Association and has been mentored by several renowned artists, including Huo Chunyang, Liu Wanming, and Zhao Shaoyan.





刘瑞/ Liu Rui

作者介绍 Author Introduction


Liu Rui, styled Fengming, lives in Beijing. Member of Jiangxi Province Artists Association, director of Beizong Landscape Painting Academy, painter of Rongbaozhai Painting Academy, contemporary landscape master Mr. Lu Huaihe's home disciple.


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