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中外文化交流艺术名家—— 王晓红 Wang Xiaohong

来源:网络 发布时间 2024-08-16 14:33




Wang Xiaohong, pen name Changqing, Nanshan Buyi, Dharma name Hongmiao Master, female, Han ethnicity, born in Weifang City, Shandong Province in 1963, graduated from the Art Department of Shandong Normal University.

She is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a national first-class artist, a special consultant for State Guest Gift Art, a national diplomatic gift artist, a inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage, a national ambassador for State Guest Gift (special supply) Foreign Affairs Management Center, a national treasure level art master, an international ambassador for peace art, a gold award winner of the 2nd Online Art Exchange Exhibition in Sydney, Australia, invited and interviewed by CCTV in 2024 to shoot a large-scale documentary on China's intangible cultural heritage - an interview with a famous calligrapher and painter.

Wang Xiaohong's documentary on character interviews In 2024, multiple works by Professor Wang Xiaohong were entered into the database of the China Art Registration and Certification Center, and have been permanently collected, specially invited artists by the World Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Network, invited members of the Royal Spanish Artists Association, winners of the Excellent Mentor Award at the Picasso International Painting Competition (Finals), Chinese calligraphy and painting artists, recommended calligraphy and painting artists for the 2024 National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, members of the Weifang Calligraphers Association in Shandong Province, and vice presidents of Weifang Elderly University in Shandong Province.

Teacher Wang Xiaohong has had a passion for calligraphy and painting since childhood. Over the years, she has been tirelessly practicing calligraphy and often copying ancient calligraphy inscriptions. Represented by figures such as Ou Yan, Liu Zhao, Su Huang, Mi Cai, and the Two Wangs, she has visited numerous ancient celebrities' calligraphy and painting inscriptions. She often creates outdoor sketches, travels to the Three Rivers and Five Mountains, and captures the elephant changes in the natural world. She has visited famous teachers and received their guidance, making changes.

On the path of calligraphy and painting research, she has developed her own artistic style and formed her own school, learning from the past without getting tired of it. We have achieved excellent results in the field of calligraphy. I often seek advice from my predecessors on the essence of calligraphy, and have benefited greatly from it. The calligraphy works have participated in domestic calligraphy exhibition competitions multiple times, winning numerous awards and standing out from the competition. The calligraphy and painting works have been highly recognized and encouraged by experts and judges.

Teacher Wang Xiaohong's calligraphy and painting works are often favored and collected by the Chinese embassies in Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong friends, overseas Chinese, auction institutions, calligraphy and painting academies, galleries, and collectors. Her works have received unanimous praise from friends from all walks of life. Currently, she has been immersed in the long river of calligraphy and painting creation, tirelessly creating even better works to cultivate the sentiment of calligraphy and painting artists for her own love. She regards calligraphy and painting art as the only spiritual pillar of her life, and uses her love for calligraphy art and her worship of faith to compose a more brilliant and colorful chapter of calligraphy and painting art, inheriting the traditional culture of China for 5000 years.

In 2023, Wang Xiaohong's calligraphy and painting works were invited to participate in the evaluation of large-scale domestic calligraphy and painting exhibitions at the National Ink Treasure Editorial Board Evaluation Activity held by China Renmei Publishing House. His calligraphy works and related materials were included in the large-scale classic National Ink Treasure, and were recorded and collected permanently. International calligrapher and painter featured on the big screen in Times Square, New York. The Spring Festival Gala held by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Organizing Committee in 2023 won the honorary title of Outstanding Intangible Cultural Heritage Leader Award. In 2023, the calligraphy and painting works were collected and published by Chinese calligraphy and painting artists, and their honorary certificates were awarded; Chinese Culture · Meeting in Paris -2024 Paris Calligraphy and Painting Culture and Art Online Exchange Exhibition won the gold medal.

At present, Mr. Wang Xiaohong's calligraphy and painting works still maintain a stable circulation price in the China Calligraphy and Painting Trading Evaluation Center. The following are the reference prices of Mr. Wang Xiaohong's calligraphy and painting works in the market: calligraphy 120000 yuan (one square foot), traditional Chinese painting 400000 yuan (one square foot), and their market value is still soaring. They have been selected as the most valuable contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter for collection.

王晓红,笔名昌清、南山布衣,法号宏妙法师,女,汉族,1963年出生于山东省潍坊市,毕业于山东省师范学院艺术系,系中国书法家协会会员、国家一级美术师、国宾礼艺术特邀顾问、国务外交礼品师、中国非物质文化遗产传承人、国宾礼(特供)外事管理中心国家对外友好文化使者、国宝级艺术大师、国际和平艺术大使、【东方文化•心之所向】澳洲悉尼第二届线上艺术交流展金奖获得者、2024年被中央电视台邀请并接受采访拍摄中国大型纪录片,非遗中国说专访——书画艺术名家王晓红【人物专访纪录片】、2024年王晓红老师的多幅作品被录入中国艺术品登记认证中心数据库,并被永久收藏、世界名人书画网特聘艺术家、西班牙皇家艺术家协会特邀会员、《毕加索国际绘画大赛》(总决赛)优秀导师奖获得者、中国书画艺术工作者、【新征程·新画卷】2024年全国两会推荐书画艺术家、山东省潍坊市书法家协会会员、山东省潍坊市老年大学副校长等。王晓红老师自幼酷爱书法绘画,多年来笔耕不辍,经常临摹古代书法碑帖,以欧颜柳赵、苏黄米蔡以及二王为书法启蒙的代表,对古代名人书画碑帖遍临无数遍,时常户外写生创作,游历三川五岳,得其自然界的大象变化,去粗取精,遍访名师,受名师点播,有所改变,在书法和绘画研究的道路上,取得了属于自己的艺术风格,自成一派,师古不腻古。在书法领域的道路上取得了优异的成绩。常与先辈们请教书法的精髓之处,受益匪浅。书法作品曾多次参加国内书法展览比赛活动,作品屡次荣获大奖,并多次从参赛展览比赛中脱颖而出,书画作品得到了专家和评委老师们的高度认可和鼓励。王晓红老师书画作品经常被中国驻缅甸、泰国、日本大使馆及香港友人、中外华侨、拍卖机构、书画院、画廊、以及收藏界爱好者等青睐收藏,作品得到社会各界朋友们的一致好评,目前一直沉浸在书画作品创作的长河之中,早晚不厌其烦的创作更加优秀的作品,为自己的酷爱而陶冶着书画艺人的情操,把书画艺术作为人生中的唯一精神支柱,用对书法艺术的酷爱以及崇尚的信仰,来谱写更佳璀璨斑斓的书画艺术篇章,传承中华5000年的传统文化。 2023年由中国人美出版社举行的《国家墨宝》编委会评定活动,王晓红同志书画作品受邀参加国内大型书画展览评定活动,其书法作品以及相关资料入编大型典籍——《国家墨宝》,并被永久记录收藏。纽约时代广场大屏幕特别报道的国际书画艺术家。2023年度由非物质文化遗产组委会举行的春节联欢晚会活动荣获非遗领军人物优秀奖荣誉称号,2023年书画作品被中国书画艺术名家·典藏收录并出版以及颁发其荣誉证书;中华文化·相约巴黎--2024法国巴黎书画文化艺术线上交流展 作品荣获金奖。
目前,王晓红老师的书画作品在中国书画交易评定润格评估中心 ,仍然保持一个稳定的流通价格,下面就是王晓红老师的书画作品在市场上的参考价格: 书法120000元人民币(一平尺),国画400000元人民币(一平尺),其书画市值还在一路飙升,被评选为中国当代最具收藏价值的书画家。






































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